JUST a quick collection of interesting stories, web sites and get-togethers that I have crossed in the past few days:
Manchester Social Media Cafe takes shape
The feeling was that the group should meet monthly, that it should be outside normal office hours and that it is open and accessible to anyone with an interest in social media whether that's as a user, supplier, creator, teacher or whatever - if social media's your passion, this cafe should have something for you!
How to be a freelance writer (and get published)
My pal Andrea Wren is heading up a course to be held at Gorton Monastery towards the end of November that will teach you the types of things you need to be doing to get editors to take you seriously.
University program director asks readers to pirate his ebook
The new tools of the internet, and changing attitudes amongst readers, means such experiments can take place and very often they prove more successful than the old 'scarcity' mentality.
Five sources for free and legal images
Does exactly what it says, points you to some websites that can help you add a bit of sparkle to your own blog articles.
Cunard upgrades a blogger for the QE2’s final crossing
Media consultant and journalism professor Juan Antonio Giner is a fan of the QE2 and when he was set to travel on the ship's final journey he pitched the idea to some newspapers, they didn't bite but Cunard did.
And finally, don't forget the Manchester Blog Awards take place on Wednesday...