THERE is plenty of opportunity to meet people and brush up on a few of your creative skills over the coming weeks in and around Manchester.
Here are just some of he talks, courses and get-togethers I've crossed recently:
Thriving as a tech startup in an upstart economy - Beating the economic blues
Large companies are cutting down costs and headcounts with significant hits on R&D. In most cases all R&D spend has been frozen or cancelled.
This is a great time for tech startups to innovate, prove concepts and be there strong when the economy recovers, on Wednesday, January 28.
Social Media Cafe Manchester (#smc_mcr)
The last event saw six small break-out groups gather together around a table and a pint or two to discuss everything from starting up a blog, getting the best out of social media and using sites like Facebook in teaching.
The next event is sure to be just as interesting, challenging and involving regardless of where you consider yourself to be on the internet ladder, on Tuesday, February 3.
The transformation of newsrooms in the internet age - Digital Editors Network
Another interesting gathering together of newspaper people who have grasped the digital nettle and looked at ways to make it work in a news environment.
The network is free to attend and draws a number of journalists and website editors from the north west and the Midlands, with the added bonus of Robert Peston taking part in an early evening discussion on the impact financial journalism has on the economy, on Tuesday, February 3.
Interviewing skills for writers and journalists - Judy Goodwin
My journalist pal Judy Goodwin, who has offered up some simple PR tips in the past on the site, brings her experience to journalists and writers who have to interview people for their stories.
The all day course costs just £45 and I know friends have gained much from attending her courses, on Saturday, February 7.