I HAVE long had the belief that freelance journalists could use a blog to run a news service in their speciality and laid out some first steps in a piece called setting up a blog.
And it looks as though it is going to be something that journalists, both freelance and staff, are going to have to seriously consider as redundancy stalks many a newsroom.
So much so that when TypePad offered a Bailout Program for Journalists they were taken aback by the interest, as many, many people signed up to learn more.
Having used TypePad for around five years I do think it is the best option for people who want to spend time writing and not tweaking and updating code.
So if you do take up the option offered by TypePad and want an un-official answer to questions feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to help.
If you want to take a look over what others are doing these sites that I've been involved with are run off TypePad: