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Not really convinced by the arguments from the first post you reference

I am hired because clients because:
They do not have the time
They are unsure how the media works
They do not rate themselves as being able to write well
They prefer to use their time to concentrate on what they do well and use a dedicated resource

Journalist simply do not have the time or resource to research all the material they need

We are middle men, we can be dispensable to some, but to others we are useful



of course I meant "I ma hired by client because"

The "write well" point doesn't work otherwise

I am not going to Denmark for the second leg

Hi Rob, thanks for the comment and whilst you provide a valuable service, there is still quite a gap in understanding about what's going on out there.

Here is an interesting piece from Neil MacLean, who has experience of travel PR:


All the best, Craig

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