THE Crain's Manchester Business website is now up and running so you can have a nose around to see what is being covered.
The site has plenty of news on its home page and individual stories are clearly laid out, with headlines to other stories featured in a right hand column.
It is good to the site is publishing an RSS feed, and making use of video on a story about the congestion charge.
But whilst the use of video in this story is used effectively, there is no option for me to take the video and put it in front of others, which would lead new readers back to the Crain's website.
And whilst it is still early days for the site, I hope they look to adopt a comments facility, it could even be used as a networking tool so that registered users grow a presence on the site.
It is good to see breaking news going up on the site and it will be interesting to see how a balance is struck between publishing the newspaper and stories online.
I know there are many people who are keen to see Crain's Manchester Business succeed so here's hoping that the site looks to make it easy for these "fans" to promote its work.
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