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what a brilliant idea - every over-70 person (like my mum) should be given training to tap away about their past.

Hi Charlie

Interesting thought.

I suppose something similar could be adopted by journalism students, they have the chance to get up to speed on blogs and people have an important part of their life chronicled.

Hi Craig,

First of all, thanks a lot for the link. I think you and Charlie are absolutely right - even more so as a year or two back a very elderly gentleman has become an online superstar. All he did was sitting in front of a computer, recording on video himself telling about his life etc., and uploading it all to YouTube.

I certainly think a lot of "silver searchers" could prove very blog-savvy.


some interesting blogs

The Vietnam images have a haunting quality in some instances, especially the ones of the women - what was their future?


There would indeed be some interesting stories to tell, that would then be available long in the future.

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