AM I the only person not using Twitter? I'm not sure but having read Linda's piece in the Guardian about becoming a Member of the Twittering Classes, I might have to investigate further.
And to add a little extra Linda has also written a bit of a background piece for the Freelance Writing Tips site we've been working on, which looks at how the Twitter piece came about but also how using a specialism can help establish your freelancing career.
Hi Craig, I don't think you are the only person not using Twitter. Besides, I couldn't imagine you twittering on about anything - you usually have something relevant to say. Alan Johnson's use of Twitter is creative, as PR should be. I know musicians who have been using SMS in similar ways for years. So is Twitter really new? It seems to be a form of SMS and IM tied to the web - and that's how the majority of members are using it. I can't help but be reminded of the times I'm out in the country or by coast, either reading or enjoying some fantastic view. Someone's mobile rings and a voice jarringly breaks the silence with "I'm in a cafe in Whitby having coffee....". We all shoot disapproving glances at the culprit, but they continue on. If people like this join the Twitter gang, I and millions of others will be very happy.
Posted by: Sheelagh Caygill | May 19, 2007 at 08:40
Hi Sheelagh, must agree. I think one of the reasons I've not really taken to mobile phones is that sometimes you need time to yourself to get things done. Maybe Twitter will help to highlight that silence is golden!
All the best, Craig
Posted by: Craig McGinty | May 19, 2007 at 11:42