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"In the past the only way to do this without using Advanced Templates was to create a page and back date it so it didn't appear on the front page and make any updates when required."

Actually not true. :)

I've been making my own stand alone pages in Typepad Pro for a long time now and it had nothing to do with making a post.

Just create a new template, set your tags to call the CSS, and the rest was simple html. The create a link on your main template and there you go. I was doing this prior to such being available on Wordpress, but it's nice to see Typepad finally make something accessible for everyone and being able to make a new page your front page opens up new possibilities for Typepad users that were not previously possible.

Hi Owen, many thanks for your comment. Ah I think I've got how you've done this. Are you creating a completely new HTML page outside of TypePad and then uploading it as a file? Might be a tough ask for less tech-savy users, but as you say this new feature does open up new possibilities for Typepad.
All the best, Craig

Is there a way to attach an image to the title of the new page? I'd like to use this to suppliment my website and offer the purchase of items directly from the blog. I have created new pages and have them shown with a text title, but I'd like to have an image either instead of the title or below it.

thanks if you can help me with this!

Hi Stephanie
Many thanks for your message. The Pages in TypePad act in exactly the same way as a post, except you provide a filename.
So give your new page a title, upload a pic beneath and then some descriptive text.
I'd make the filename the same, or similar, to the title as this will help with search engine optimisation and then link to it from your blog sidepanel.
Hope this helps

I wish the links were bigger though other than that another wonderful effort from SixApart.....

Graig, thank you for the information I am going to look into it and try to beef up my weblog site using this new feature. Keep up the good work.

I have an html page uploaded into my files that I would like to designate as the first page. Has anyone managed to do this?

It looks like the answer is in Owen's comment, but it's just a touch cryptic.

Hi Claire, I think you will be best creating a Page based on what you want to display. Then from within your account go to Configure >> Preferences, you should see at the top of the page the option to 'Display a "page" as the front page'.
Here's another possible option:
Hope that helps, Craig

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