I DON'T normally promote things on this site but if you are keen to improve your writing skills then you may want to check out a couple of courses being offered by Judi Goodwin.
Judi is set to stage two courses this summer and I know a number of people who have taken part in classes in the past, for example Andrea Wren.
On offer is a two day course at Manchester University titled "Don’t get it Right – Get it Written" which aims to develop your skills and confidence to get that first draft down onto paper.
The second course offers a residential stay at Missenden Abbey, in Buckinghamshire, that will help with "Writing Features for Magazines and Newspapers" and offers in depth advice on getting started in the freelance world.
There is also the chance to learn about video and film production as Judi's partner Colin Dyter is holding a course at Missenden as well.
If you want to get an idea of how Judi works check out a piece she wrote for the ConnectMedia North West site last year that offered a range of tips to improve your writing.
For more information on the courses, contact Judi on 01625 439000 or [email protected].
Judi's writing courses put you outside of your comfort zone, which is a good thing.
I think anyone that attends, whatever they believe their level, will learn or re-learn valuable writing skills.
Posted by: Rob Artisan | May 20, 2007 at 15:00