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Hi Craig,

Thanks so much for your continued support with You've Got Your Hands Full. As ever you make such excellent observations and give brilliant guidance on where to go with this stuff.

Many of the pieces I have are of specialist interest but can help parents facing specific challenges. With each, I can bring them bang up to date, relatively easily.

It's encouraging to note that readers of articles offering a first-person account of say miscarriage, post-natal-depression or even breastfeeding are drawing visitors to the site, but more importantly offering genuinely useful information.

I'm so pleased to get feedback that says 'thanks that really helped - good stuff!'

And that was one of the main reasons for starting the site - I couldn't help like that if those pieces were still hidden away in the chaos of my filing "system" on my PC.

Good day to you.

Hi Linda, that connection with readers via comments and emails is often overlooked by writers of a blog, it's rare to have such immediacy when writing for a newspaper or magazine.
All the best, Craig

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