IF you are still wondering if your should start a blog-style site, either to support your business or to promote your freelance work, then Google drawing in blogs to its news alert service should convince you.
These regular emails from Google that people use to track stories, product mentions, company names and any other selection of words have become a mainstay for many.
In the past they highlighted stories from regular news websites, such as the press and TV, now these Google emails are drawing information from blogs.
An option to use the news alerts to track mentions on blogs is now available and is a great way to establish yourself within your field as your writing is presented in front of others.
So a business owner writing about their speciality and observations on the market will have a direct route into the inbox of journalists, PR people and of course customers.
Whilst a freelance writer, or passionate blogger, will also now be read by a whole new audience.
What with keyword searches within RSS readers, RSS to email and now Google alerts tracking blogs, the tools to reach customers and an audience have never been easier to employ.