ONE of the areas I cover for both the blog and my own This French Life site is the ins and outs of the airline business.
People are keen to hear about new flights to the four corners of Europe or the latest cut-price deals on offer.
You can imagine it is quite a challenge to stay up-to-date with what's new and despite having plenty of searches within Bloglines set up there is still a chance a few things slip under the radar.
So why do none of the major airlines in the UK and Europe have an RSS feed for their news and information?
Not only are they missing out on a chance to keep journalists in touch with their work, but they are also running the risk of having comments and stories written about them which will move much quicker than they can.
Here is my plea, would someone within the multi-million pound airline industry 'get' RSS feeds, not only will you see real benefits for your PR operation, you stand a much better chance of people actually finding out about your new flights.
Technorati Tags: airline, RSS, a plea
UPDATE: Interesting to see someone else ask that airlines run a blog, for slightly different reasons, but which would naturally produce an RSS feed to keep up with the latest.
It could well be because they've not heard of this medium. Or they don't know how. Or what the benefits to them might be. Or to their customers. SouthWest Airlines has worked that out and I for one am pleased because they served as a teaching metaphor for an industry blog.
Whether that turns out to be a good or not so good thing is another matter but as we're all learning it doesn't actually matter because no-one cares about 'getting it right' only that the discussions are taking place.
Posted by: Dennis Howlett | April 28, 2006 at 10:10