A FRIEND was telling me about a work colleague of his that had seen my sites and was keen to start a website of his own.
His idea was to provide information about what’s on in Manchester and it had a smart name, but I knew it would be a struggle to make it work.
There are two reasons why he would find it hard to keep his idea going long-term.
There are already a number of big, mainstream media sites providing a Manchester what’s-on style service, so he would struggle to be heard in such a crowded market.
And his brush is too wide. How can one person draw in everything from rock concerts to theatre nights; gallery openings to restaurant reviews?
But what should my friend’s colleague do? The answer is in that last paragraph.
Imagine becoming the must-go-to resource for rock concerts in Manchester? Not only providing reviews, but previews of upcoming shows, interviews of musicians and special features.
And there is no reason why businesses can’t do the same thing. Making their website a resource for those interested in their field.
You don’t need to start with bucket loads of articles just useful, often updated information that builds up over time. And as your community develops they will soon tell others.
It is what Chris Anderson calls The Long Tail and as the noise of the internet increases, it is those that can focus and provide targeted information that will succeed.
Just think, birds of a feather rock together!