USING search engines to promote your website can be an easy way to advertise your business.
A huge percentage of search engine traffic comes through Google and Yahoo, but you shouldn’t spend hours trying to get to the top of the listings.
Not only are some search engines charging for this, the way sites are ranked often changes and it is impossible to keep up with them.
It can take some time for the sites to register you and don’t think if I submit them every week it will boost my ranking, you will be penalised.
However, what’s also important is that your site is easily navigated, has key words relating to your site and has other sites link to it.
It is important that all the links on your site work correctly as the search engines crawl around your site and decide if it is suitable to be ranked.
If they come across error pages then this will be noted and obviously impacts badly upon your site.
The use of key words on your site is important as the search engines use these to find your pages after people request them.
Placing your business address as a footer on the pages of your site is a useful trick, for example, if your address is:
Writing PLC
24 New Hall Lane
This address will show up when people search for the town name.
You could also feature short articles and reviews of places to visit close to you as you are filling your pages with key words relating to the surrounding area.
Finally getting lots of links coming to your site is another simple method of promoting your site.
Not only will traffic arrive via those links, but also a site with lots of incoming links does better in search engines than sites with few links.
It is not worth spending hours trying to get your site ranked, if your site is following the above then the search engines will automatically rank it.
And be aware of companies offering to get you to the top of search engines, it is practically an impossible promise to keep.