I HAVE not seen an English-language mention of how to place a rotating image slideshow on TypePad blogs, but the Paris office recently updated its blog on how to do it.
The steps involved in placing an image slideshow in the main column of the front page of your website are pretty easy.
This widget will work on standard blogs, there is no messing around with Advanced Templates, so first off you need your TypePad blog ID number, this is available by logging in and then going to your blog's overview page and taking a look at the address bar of your browser.
Between the text /blogs/ and /dashboard you will see a long number, often featuring a few letters, this is the ID number for your blog.
Copy and paste this into the first empty form field of Etape 1, the next two fields allow you to personalise the widget to display images from a certain category of your blog, as well as provide a short title to the image carousel.
The category choice is used so you are able to pick and choose the stories and images that feature in the carousel.
To control the placement of stories in the carousel you could pick an existing category and only show these, or set up a new category and from now on when you want a story to be displayed add it to this category and any others you wish.
For example, you might want to add a new category called Featured, within the form field with the text that says 'Souhaitez-vous limiter l'affichage des images à une catégorie de votre blogs ?' type in Featured.
You then have to click one of the two buttons that describe the layout of your blog, this ensures the widget displays the images in the correct column on your site.
At this point you can now choose where to display the carousel, personally I'd keep it to the front page and the category archives, the first option, because it might be a little too much for it to be displayed on other pages.
Moving on to Etape 2 and you are now able to visualise what the image carousel looks like, and if your images are suitable for display.
Smaller images such as thumbnails will have been increased in size so that they look pixelated, so that's why creating a new category comes in handy as you can ensure these stories have full size images that the widget can draw upon.
Then click the install button at the bottom of the page, add it to your blog and then refresh your website home page to see the image carousel in all its glory.
Widget : Slideshow TypePad
Nouveau widget : carrousel en colonne de contenu